Self-paced course
TypeScript Basics
Learn TypeScript Basics and master type-safe programming to build more robust, scalable, and maintainable applications with confidence.
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Learning roadmap

6 lessons 10 tasks
Learn the fundamentals of TypeScript, a powerful extension of JavaScript that adds static typing to help you write safer and more maintainable code.
Basic Types
Learn the essential TypeScript types, including numbers, strings, arrays, and functions.
Advanced Types
Unlock the power of advanced TypeScript types like unions, type guards, tuples, and enums.
Object Types
Learn how to define and use object types in TypeScript.
Learn how to create and manage classes in TypeScript, using access modifiers and interfaces to build robust and type-safe object-oriented code.
Generic Types
Discover how to use generic types in TypeScript to create flexible and reusable code that works safely with different data types.

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Clear course, no adds, no "water", no hidden payments or some "must buy to pass to next level". Interesting course, a lot of practice, theory and links to more materials. Very helpful AI assistant built-in. I use it on mobile and as app and on desktop.

Natalie N.

I have been practicing and learning online, my first course has been the Python one and so far, it is very intuitive and easy to follow, plenty of practical exercises and a clear and simple explanation, I love it.

Oscar M.

Knowely its great academy. The tasks its good and you make real project while u learning.

Velislav B.

I love my experience in knowely really helped me out in mu journey in being a front end developer and its easy to read and understand concepts...and have a nice community of students in which we help each other out

Nora S.

I tried the product and it is indeed user-friendly and quite engaging. I used it almost every day and it was easy to use and had everything I needed and nothing extra. I recommend it since it is cool and stands out among other platforms I know.

Mykola M.

I have never been taught coding this way. The way you guys break it down is so easy, I actually understand this.

Jacob C.

Well structured, robust and affordable courses. Learn at your own pace and take responsibility for research and digging deeper into topics through additional resources and loads of practice tasks.

Ayodeji A.

I do enjoy learning with the help of the platform. I was surprised by this LMS's capabilities. Well-structured materials and an advanced compiler boosted my coding skills.

Roman S.

The interactive support provided by the AI Buddy is ingenious

Ralph E.

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Will I get a certificate?
Completion certificates are given to students who finish 100% of the course and their portfolio projects. We aim at giving knowledge more than a mere paper :)